Tuesday, December 16, 2008

My little dancer

this morning we woke up way too early and Harper decided to put her ballet outfit on and repeatedly she asked "Can I go to Ballet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She did not understand that she had to be three and wait. She turns three in February and I wonder if she will remember???

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Sweet unexpected surprise

Do you ever wonder where your two year old is when everything gets very quiet. Well, most of the time Harper is in a room using the bathroom in her princess panties. I guess I am lucky because I know when she goes. But see that is the thing I usually don't catch her in time. In fact, the day these pictures were taken I realized late as usual (that is the story of my life) that she might be going to the bathroom where she shouldn't and as I walk to her room screaming I'm sure it wasn't anything too bad!?!?! I openned the door and this is what Harper said - "MOOOOOMMM I'm just readin . . . . " OK, so that was my sweet unexpected surprise that should last for a while.

Amish Friendship Bread

Thanks to cousin Kate we have been "Smushing" our bag of bread for the past few days. The day these pictuires were taken we had to add to the starter. This is the perfect kind of baking for Harper. And check out the precious Apron - handmade from sweet cousin Mollie! Thanks cousins for a great activity.


After we carved the pumpkin and Jackson saw his "scared" face on the camera he wanted to take many, many, MANY more pictures. He was so cute when he was trying to get Harper to
make faces too. I love the last one, Harper looks like a pirate "argh!" Oh yea and for all you Alabama fans - WE are still here cheering for the sweet boys on the plain! We love you cousin Brooke - it will all be over soon!

The annual carving

The pictures really speak for themselves. The kids had almost as much fun as I did!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


We went up to Huntsville this past weekend for cousin Allison's second birthday. The pictures are from Jacob and Jeremy's soccer game. We had a blast running, spinning and watching our cousins!

My little mess

the one in the bathroom is probably x rated but I had to post it because she was so funny getting on the wrong way and then covering her eyes like that would make her not be in the picture. Funny girl!


In an attempt to help my son's social skills I decided to have some friends over. It was mass chaos but sooo much fun for everyone especially me taking the pictures. I wish I had a video of what they where saying.

"I Driben"

wish I had taken a picture of cousin Carter's fascination with driving. I guess that is where Harper gets it from. Every time we get in the car we have to drive . It only adds on about twenty minutes?!?!?!


First of all, that is probably not a word but, in our house it is. We love to get new things for the front porch. Jackson helped me decorate and was so excited to get his picture made (cant you tell!). We had spider webs all over the wrought iron but after a few rains I decided it looked rather scary. Oh well.

Futal Attempt

I found this dress to try and bride Harper to use the potty. She has been doing great but sometimes she cant get a hold of the dreaded number two. So, I thought this would be a great economical way to get it done. Being close to Halloween I will get the dress and let her see it but not give it to her until she did her "business" for an entire week. Jackson's face says it all - IT DID NOT WORK!

Listening In

I had left the room for two seconds and when I cam back I heard Harper saying "Hey Sammie it's ok, dont cry you be OOOOK." I am so glad he has her and she has him!

Me and Sammie

are going to be the best of friends. Mommy says that I am the only one that can make him laugh out loud. I cant wait to teach him all sorts of things. I like being a big sister!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sam's baptism

was wonderful. Having family and friends surround us during this special day was a true blessing. Thanks to all who made the long trip from Huntsvile!!!!

War Eagle Hey!!!!!!

Enough said.


Some recent ones for all to enjoy. They really keep us busy!

Sunday, August 31, 2008


We had a ball! Thanks to our parents who helped with the week. Check out the new swim suits. Jackson loved the wet suit - I think I now have to buy one.


Everybody likes Sam. Who wouldn't with that mohawk.



Harper is obsessed with my makeup. So being the smart thrifty mom that I am, I thought how about using this with potty training. Every time so goes potty she gets to put makeup on. We are working on it and she seems to get it most of the time.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

They aren't the best pictures but they're the first ones on our new porch! Everyone was happy and the weather was beautiful.