Friday, December 22, 2006

i love my cousins

We had fun a few days ago with Carter and Graham. We tried to get all of them together for a picture for the parentals. This is what we got. Not bad.

Watch out boys . . .

She is too sweet. As long as Jackson does not hit her she is just fine. I love trying to get her picture lately because she attacks me. She either wants me, wants the camera, or wants to be a model. I love the last picture of Harper's beautiful eyelashes!!! I'm sure she is going to give her daddy a run for his money.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The annual picture

Ah yes! This was a good day for Team Avery. We did have fun expecting very little, and yes we got very little. Some where in the midst of the hurried shoppers and the makeup caked children around us with there mothers screaming at them to stay still so as to not mess up there dresses I found myself being totally content with this season of expectations. I hope it will last.

Wrong- a few feet past Santa Jackson proceeds to hit my face with both of his hands like he was using cymbals! That was the longest walk back to the car. Is it OK to squeeze your sons arm so tight that no one else can see that you are hurting him????

"I'm not scared . . .

of Ho Ho!!!" It seems this is the only way we will be able to be near Santa this season. Maybe Jackson has it all figured out. He would rather sing "Jesus songs" than go see Ho Ho. Of course, we still have to have the annual screaming picture?!?!?